Harun Ćehović – student Roma successfully Auditioned For Master's Studies at the New York Film Academy and the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama Londonc

Young actor Harun Ćehović, 4th year student at the Department of Acting, Academy of Performing Arts, University of Sarajevo, in the class of Prof. Admir Glamočak, delighted us with the news of the auditions for master's studies at the New York Film Academy - MFA Acting for Film (Los Angeles campus) and the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama London (RCSSD) - MA Acting for Screen and MA Applied Theater. For both study programs, the winner is a Talent based scholarship. This year alone, over four hundred candidates applied for the audition at the RCSSD, and a total of four have been accepted so far. By the way, Harun is also the winner of the award for the best student for the 2018/2019.
Congratulations to Harun on his great success, which is also reflected in the staff of the Academy of Performing Arts of the University of Sarajevo, which from year to year has proven to provide excellent education, recognized in the world.

Link: https://www.unsa.ba/en/novosti/harun-cehovic-successful-auditioned-masters-studies-new-york-film-academy-and-royal

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