Kocani: A call has been opened for the construction of a facility for 24 Russian families located in the starting barracks in Kocani

The Municipality of Kocani has announced an announcement for the construction of a facility where Russian families who do not have their own dwelling and have been living for many years in the abandoned and already ruined old barracks in the city, where there are no conditions for normal life. The facility to be built will be intended for 24 families or a total of 120 people. Otherwise, this idea regarding this project has been for a long time, for which several municipal authorities have promised so far, but so far nothing has been done.
According to the previous announcements and information from the municipality where according to the urban documentation and the prepared project, the housing facilities of the tenants from the Old Barracks will be built in the area of ​​Presecena Skala, in the northern part of Kocani. The plot with an area of ​​2.9 hectares is on state-owned land, and the planning scope envisages about twenty construction plots. Otherwise, after the selection, the deadline for the construction of these facilities is 15 months.

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