Two realities: Roma in the EU and Roma in the Western Balkans in the eyes of the EC

The European Commission (EC) recently presented communications on two important policies which are both of relevance for the countries of the Western Balkans: the 2020 Enlargement Package and the new EU Roma Strategic Framework for Equality, Inclusion and Participation.
Although the manifestations of antigypsyism may differ from country to country, it exists all over Europe, including in the countries of the Western Balkans. With the exception of the report on Serbia, the progress reports acknowledge the fact that discrimination against Roma exists in general, but deny discrimination in employment and education (Albania, Montenegro), in education (Bosnia and Herzegovina), or employment (North Macedonia). The existence of discrimination is mostly acknowledged indirectly, and none of the reports call upon the governments to fight the discrimination against Roma. Currently, the NEET rate among Roma in the EU is 62%, while it amounts to 10,1% among the general population. According to UNDP research, the NEET rate among Roma in the Western Balkans is between 73% (Serbia) and 86% (Bosnia and Herzegovina); the rate among Romani women goes as high as 81% (North Macedonia) and 93% (Montenegro). The reports of the European Commission, however, hardly pay attention to this issue. The majority of Roma are caught in precarious self-employment, with no social security and small, unstable incomes. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the dangers of this situation, as many Roma remain without any income, having to rely on cash or in-kind assistance from the authorities, international donors or civil society organisations. The high NEET rates indicate that the majority of the next generation of Roma will also remain in these precarious jobs if politicians fail to act soon.

Link: ec /

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