The French government has introduced a law on access to public transport and public institutions based on the application of a vaccine against Covid 19

The French government has introduced a law in parliament that allows those vaccinated to have access to public transport, restaurants, cultural institutions and other public places.
Prime Minister Jean-Castec on Monday introduced a law establishing a long-term emergency management system in a parliamentary procedure, also known as the "green vaccine-passport", as it contains provisions requiring access to certain activities and places based on vaccination. . Under the law, the prime minister has the right to authorize the movement of people, their access to public transport or certain places based on a test that determines that a person is not infected or after preventive treatment, which includes vaccination against coronavirus, Tanjug reported, citing are of the Anatolia agency. The debate over the bill began last week when members of the Liberal and centrist parties proposed the introduction of a so-called "green passport" for people who have been vaccinated. The law is in response to several surveys that have shown that the French are very skeptical about vaccination and that only about 40 percent of citizens are ready to be vaccinated.

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