What lies behind the new training of the Bulgarian police called; ′ ′ Psychological and ethno-religious aspects in the processes of radicalization in Roma communities "funded by the European Social Fund

It would be good for all Roma and pro-Roma activists, human rights defenders and friends to know the truth about this great news from Bulgaria! It seems that the New Year will be even ре. Happier ′ ′ for the Bulgarian Roma than the old one. The Ministry of Interior announced on its website that from 2021 Bulgarian police officers will be offered a completely new training called "Psychological and ethno-religious aspects in the processes of radicalization in Roma communities."
This is a result of a project funded by the European Social Fund that has just been completed. Now ′ брите good practices ′ ′ will become part of the official catalog of trainings offered by the Institute of Psychology at the Ministry of Interior. So, we can expect special treatment by law enforcement agencies in 2021. Most likely, this is happening not only in Bulgaria but also in other EU member states, but people do not know. In fact, it may be part of the EU's new Roma policy, as we doubt that the Bulgarian authorities will dare to carry out such openly racist anti-Roma measures without the knowledge and approval of the Commission or some other senior officials in Brussels. As some of us probably know, a civic coalition has been formed in Bulgaria to counter the authorities' attempts to stigmatize all Roma in the country as "vulnerable to radicalization" and dangerous to national security. However, leading Roma and pro-Roma NGOs in Bulgaria are strangely silent on the issue. So it would be good to appeal to all of you for advice that can be done because this is an absurd situation. Time flows relentlessly.

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