Twenty MEPs call on the EU to start negotiations with Macedonia

MPs from all political parties in the European Parliament demand that today's chance for a green light to hold the first intergovernmental conference with Macedonia by the end of this year not be missed.
A statement signed by 20 MEPs called on Bulgaria to approve the EU negotiating framework for Macedonia and enable progress for Albania, MIA reports from Brussels.
MPs from all political parties in the European Parliament demand that today's chance for a green light to hold the first intergovernmental conference with Macedonia by the end of this year not be missed.
"Warning that blocking accession talks with Macedonia and Albania threatens the European Union's credibility in the Western Balkans, they call on Bulgaria and Macedonia to find a compromise on bilateral issues to avoid further delays in the process," the letter said.
Bulgaria, MEPs call, should approve the opening of an intergovernmental conference with Macedonia as soon as possible, thus acknowledging the country's efforts in the EU accession process. They also call on the Macedonian side to "make every effort" to resolve the disputes.
Albania, which will also not get the green light today because the enlargement debate has been removed from the agenda and appears only as an information point, should be recognized for its reform efforts, MEPs say.
The letter was signed by the rapporteur for Macedonia in the European Parliament, the Bulgarian MP Ilhan Kucuk, as well as by other MPs well known to the Macedonian public - Tanja Fajon, David McAllister, Reinhard Butikofer and others.

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