Honor he deserved: Djej Ramadanovski will be buried in the Alley of deserving citizens!

The Belgrade Municipal Assembly received a proposal from Roma associations for Djej Ramadanovski to be buried in the Alley of Deserving Citizens, said Deputy Mayor Goran Vesic, adding that Jay deserves to be among the deserving citizens of Belgrade. Vesic noted that he deserved the honor with his successful and professional career and works of art.
- Djej was one of those whose songs they listened to and those who did not like the music he sang. He was the good spirit of Belgrade, he was not perfect, and none of us is perfect, but that is why he was a fashionista. He was just Djej!
How big he was shows our feeling when we found out that he died. Both we who knew him personally, and those who knew him only through songs. It felt like we had lost a close family member, he said.
Jay may also get a monument in Panchich Park in Dorchol, on Skenderbeg Street where he grew up. In order to be able to name a street after a person according to the decision of the Assembly in the city of Belgrade. Three years must have passed since his death.
As a reminder, Djej Ramadanovski died on December 6, 2020.


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