Protest action in Bitola: "Roma are not boxing bags - stop the violence against Roma"

A civil initiative in Bitola with guerrilla action expressed its protest against the brutal beatings of Roma by uniformed police officers in recent months, but also in general against the violence of civilians against Bitola Roma, something that has been going on for a long time. "Boxing bags" with stickers and banners were placed in many places, as well as signs saying "Roma are not boxing bags - stop the violence against Roma". The propaganda material was placed in a public space in the city near the places where the last incidents took place.
"Violence against Roma in Bitola has been going on for more or less years and is present in the public without any serious reactions from the competent institutions. Unfortunately, the last attacks in the past 2-3 months, in which members of the Roma community were brutally beaten for no particular reason, were carried out by uniformed police officers on duty from the Bitola police station. It is unforgivable and should not be silenced! Every citizen should condemn and fight against this type of violence! That is why we created this action in order to speak publicly and to remind the public of these problems, most of which still have no solution. "Unfortunately, our city Bitola is one of the cities in Macedonia with the highest percentage of violence against Roma who are victims not only of the police, but also of many local thugs who pour their anger and frustration on our fellow Roma every day," said the activists.


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