Austria: Whoever does not receive the coronavirus vaccine cannot get a job

The Austrian province of Salzburg will only employ people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in hospitals and nursing homes.
"In our hospitals there is already a de facto obligation to vaccinate, because the immunization status is checked before employment and the missing vaccines must be received later," explained Salzburg Health Secretary and Vice-President Christian Steckl.
That principle, he added in a statement to the Vienna-based weekly Profil, would apply during new hires when the coronavirus vaccine appears.
Steckle wants mandatory immunization against coronavirus not only for hospitals and nursing homes, but also for staff in kindergartens and schools in Salzburg.
He ordered a check on the legal possibilities.
However, there is no possibility of introducing mandatory coronavirus vaccination for the approximately 15,000 people who are currently actively employed in hospitals and nursing homes.

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