One street in Leskovac will be named after the hero of the Kumanovo battle - Ahmet Ademovic

October 23 marks 108 years since the famous battle of Kumanovo. On that occasion, the mayor of the town of Leskovac, Serbia Goran Cvetanovic said that for the great of this battle Ahmet Ademovic, the symbol of heroism and freedom, which changed the course of history, deserves to be remembered by future generations. Therefore, in the coming period, a street will be renamed after Ahmet Ademovi..
That battle took place during the First Balkan War in 1912 near Kumanovo between the Serbian and Turkish armies. Many heroes were born in the war between 1912 and 1918. One of them is the forgotten hero Ahmet Ademovic, a Roma soldier and trumpet player from Leskovac.
His feat and heroism is the brilliant feat of this soldier. During this battle, as a trumpet player of the Serbian army, he joined the enemy ranks and opened trumpet signs for withdrawal. After this sound, the confused Turkish army started withdrawing. He then imperceptibly returned to the ranks of the Serbian army and began playing the assault sign.
This risky and above all triumphant move was one of the key factors for the victory of the Serbs in this battle, and that is why Ahemt Ademovi беше was awarded the Karadjordjeva star with swords, for which he was so proud that he did not take it off his lapel until his last day of life.

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