17th Roma Theater Festival "Garavde Muja"

Organized by the association "Romano Ilo" from Skopje, and under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, from 16 to 19 October will be organized a Roma theater event, which will present nine premieres and one bonus play from 1989. The festival program includes theater teams from Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Romania and Germany. In addition to theatrical ensembles from the mentioned countries, the world Roma film actress Alina Serban, known for the film Gipsy Queen, will present her monodrama.
Also, Nedzo Osman will participate in this year's edition of the festival with the play "Rukeli". Famous directors who will take part in the festival are Nada Kokotovic from the TKO Theater, Gjoro Ivanov from Bulgaria, Xhevded Doda from Kosovo and Michael Lucas from Romania and others. The name of the cult director from the theater "Pralipe Rahim Burhan" from Germany appears as a consultant at the festival
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year's edition will be in combined form. Some of the plays will be shown through the online platform romanoilo.mk-garavdemuja and on the website of the portal "24 Vakti". Three theatrical performances will be broadcast live in the city of Skopje and the city of Stip with a limited number of audiences, not more than 50 people in the open space, in accordance with the protocols by the Ministry of Health. On October 17 - Saturday in the old warehouse of Slavia, starting at 18:30, the play "The Monster"" will be performed according to the script by Daniel Petrovski.
The aim of the festival is to motivate young Roma to create works of art. The intention of the festival is to encourage the young Roma population to be actively involved in theatrical art, which should serve as a tool to address the problems faced by the Roma population.

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