Gero wake up, Amdi is an institution for you - a space observatory!

It seems that Branko Gerovski is slowly but surely losing "the ground under his feet". Honestly, this man was not given much importance before, but in order to be able to swim in the field of journalism, he himself began to "promote" himself as an important factor in journalism.

Sometimes he knew how to get out and be "within himself" but lately he seems to have lost all his orientation.


One of the latest developments is the clash with Zlatko Origjanski via FB. It would not be special for him in his post to be "interesting" as Amdi Bajram, the former MP with the longest tenure in the Macedonian Parliament and also the President of the SRM, is named.


Caused by nothing, Gero provokes and uses the terminology "Amdi Bajram" in his confrontations with Origjanski in his own context.

The title "Debating with Origjanski on the Macedonian Idea is the same as debating with Amdi Bajram on nuclear physics!" Is a pure provocation and deliberate discrediting of Roma MP Amdi Bajram.


And did Gero himself wonder how much he himself understood in nuclear physics? What was the point of mentioning Amdi? Is Gero so versatile in nuclear physics? Gero master, it is useless to gain a reputation through Amdi. Gero Master for you is Amdi - institution - space observatory.


Your brain vibes are of zero Gero value. By insulting Amdi, you are also insulting the Roma people. Are you ok Gero for you Amdi is Agrophysics, Biophysics, Medicine, Neurophysics, Engineering, Geophysics, Atmospheric, Clouds, Mathematics, Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Quantum Computing, Social Physics, Econophysics ... more to enumerate?

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