Slovak MEP from Romani community strongly condemns police beating of Romani children in quarantined settlement as unacceptable

 MEP Peter Pollák, a Romani community member on the Crisis Team created by the Slovak Government to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, has strongly condemned an attack committed Monday by a police officer in Krompachy who is said to have used a truncheon to beat five young children from a quarantined settlement. According to the children's testimony, the officer threatened to shoot them as well.


The reason he used force, allegedly, was that the children were collecting wood and playing outside of the quarantine zone. "Attacking children is unacceptable," the MEP said in a video posted to Facebook.


"Yesterday I filed a motion with the Interior Ministry Inspection Authority to investigate this brutal beating by police officers who were striking defenseless children in Krompachy under quarantine. It is absurd for anybody in uniform to even raise their hand to children," the MEP said.


"This is unprofessional and what's more, it's illegal. If this was done by a police officer, he must atone for it," the MEP said.



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