Bulgaria: Educational assistants on the front line help Romani children during COVID-19 crisis

Denitsa Ivanova of the Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance in Bulgaria, an NGO involved in the Roma Civil Monitor project run by the Center for Policy Studies at Central European University, has authored the following blog post about the impact of COVID-19 on education and access to distance learning by Romani children:


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, recent days have been hard and difficult for all of us. We have had to dramatically change our daily lives. Becoming mobilized and responsible is what is now required. We should be grateful to all the doctors, nurses and pharmacists who are in direct contact with the sick and the infected constantly.


They really are heroes!# We all have had to give up our regular routines, and that's not easy for anyone. However, teachers have had to radically change their way of working and introduce completely innovative methods.


Many are now creating digital lessons for the first time and using different ways of working online with students, and this is not easy at all. They also deserve our thanks.


Link: http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/bulgaria-educational-assistants-on-the-front-line-help-romani-children-during-covid-19-crisis

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