The government should provide conditions for the Roma community during a pandemic

The problems facing the Roma community have been accumulating for years.


According to field knowledge, the Roma community in general is familiar with coronavirus prevention measures, because in addition to the information they receive from the media and social networks, a number of information campaigns have been conducted on the ground by municipal authorities in some municipalities and NGOs.


According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Public Health, there is no coronavirus virus in the municipality of Suto Orizari.

It has been alarming for a long time, and the current situation with Covid-19 is an indicator of how vulnerable this category of citizens living without basic living conditions is.


The commitment is for all persons who on any grounds have a ban to apply to the ESA or have been deleted from the records, to remove everything in order for people to enter the so-called quick entry into the social protection system, because still this measure and purpose is financial assistance to reach those families most affected during this period.


The same number of social and economic solutions have been submitted to the Government with the target of the Roma community. Solutions to overcome shocks should include all citizens, including waste collectors and other workers who are part of the informal economy, they said. As they say, so far they have no answer from the Government.


The Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights said Roma were among the most vulnerable groups in a state of pandemic in many parts of Europe.

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