Serbia: No internet, no education for Roma children from informal settlements

In Serbia in 594 Roma informal settlements. Preschool and school age children live where, due to the very poor financial situation of their parents and guardians, they do not have a telephone, internet or TV. That is why it is very difficult for them to attend classes without their own fault, they fall behind in learning from their peers.


 "The grandson should be enrolled in the first grade. He's been home all day now, learning the letters over the internet after school, and I'm helping him as much as I can. Thank God we have a phone, I paid for the internet for 5 months for free and now we have internet, but it expires in May and I don't know what we will do next. Says a grandmother where her 6-year-old grandson attends kindergarten and has a phone that he learns during the epidemic with the support of an ADRA tutor.


Hundreds of children from his area only have electricity for every third child in the house to begin with, but they can only dream of TV or smartphones and the Internet. In the case of the epidemic, this means that if they do not have any of the above, they cannot actually attend classes.



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