Amdi Bajram after the amputation of his leg: I lost my leg, but not the positive and optimistic spirit!

The MP and President of the Roma Union, Amdi Bajram (63), is spending these days in a homely atmosphere and is recovering from a leg amputation. He says the operation took place about 15 days ago and he is feeling better.


- Sugar did its thing, my right leg was amputated, up to my knee. I feel good now and I'm home. My family is by my side, everyone cares about me and I like their attention and love.

We do not know what life can bring us, so it is said that health should always come first. But I'm a very ambitious person, no stopping. I am waiting for my wound to heal, and then I will put on a prosthesis. I know it will not be easy, I will learn to walk again, but I have always been a fighter, for me teaching is not an option. I will stand on my feet again, and with new strength I will return to politics. I remain president of the Union of Roma, my place is there. - says the MP.


He adds that he never gave up optimism, he always believed that everything would be fine.

- I did not fall mentally at any moment. I behave well, positivity has always been a strength of my character. There are many worse things in life, so I look at things and I am fully committed to a speedy recovery and a return to the old way of life. Medicine is moving forward, there are modern prostheses with which I will have no problem in mobility. The cheerful spirit does not leave me and I thank all those who wished me good health in these moments - said Bajram.

One thing is for sure, if new election lists are made for the early parliamentary elections, Amdi Bajram would surely get a high position, probably in IE 2.

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