Croatia: Ivica Hudurovic - Roma prisoner, proved that the cell in Lepoglava is too small

It was housed in a 5.5 m2 cell with two other inmates, while the European standard is at least 3m2 per person.

The Constitutional Court found that Ivica Hudurovic, 62, had been human rights abused because the conditions in which he was placed were serving nine years and 11 months in prison.


Hudurovic has been convicted of trying to extort 40,000 kuna (just over 5,000 euros) by falsely pretending to be the Lepoglava Judge of some citizens period from February 2012 – March 2018, then transferred to the prison in Gospic, because there was no cell of the prescribed size.


Hudurovic complained that his cell was not up to standard and that he was denied health care because he had vision problems due to poor lighting in the cell. He also complained that he had pelvic pain and that it was all just because he was Roma, and that like all other Roma he was discriminated against because his right to work and professional legal aid were denied.



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