The funds raised from the humanitarian action of Roma News and Aigara Band are shared

Last weekend, at the initiative of the portal from Paris, France - Roma News and its owner Andiano Geladin, together with members of the comedy group "Aigara Band" conducted a humanitarian action titled Roma News by Comedy & Ajgara Bend, where members of the group broadcast live stream their own humorous program from the famous Roman Audition and for the whole time in two days of four hours of live program they collected funds with live payment from the connected viewers from all over the world with their voluntary contribution.


During the whole program, Severdjan Bajram - Dr. Koljo, Jackson Adem, Muarem Miki, Senar Ibarim, Muaremov Diljaver - Disho and Muarem Ramush - Zirko participated in the program with their humor. Besides them, famous Roman pop stars participated in the program.

During the two-day four-hour program, they managed to raise just over 7,000 euros.


Immediately after that, from Monday, about 900 euros were allocated from the collected funds and 2.5 tons of brine were purchased, which were distributed to the most endangered Roma from several Roma settlements throughout Skopje (Topaana, Ciglana, Zlokukjani, Gjorce Petrov, etc.).


500 euros each were awarded to Roma activists in Bitola, Prilep and Bitola, where in all three cities 25 food packages and personal hygiene items were distributed to a socially vulnerable category of people worth 1,500 euros.


At the same time, Disho and Koljo awarded 3 of the most endangered families 100 euros each, while they also awarded a package of food and hygiene items to one socially endangered family, and at the same time 50 euros for two socially endangered Roma.


At the same time, through coordination with the hodja from Skopje Ali Berat, 2000 Euros were awarded to the citizens in the place Plemetina in Kosovo, as aid for those Roma, and at the same time 2000 Euros for the Roma from Kostolac, Republic of Serbia.

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