Murder near the Clinical Center, a son stabbed his father with a knife

Traces of blood are still standing on Mother Teresa Boulevard and testify to the family tragedy that took place last night in the center of Skopje. The quarrel between the son and the father ended in a brutal murder.


The quarrel started in the family house, which is only a hundred meters from the Clinical Center. No one can say exactly what happened in their home. Their loved ones did not want to speak in front of the camera.


What is known is that the twenty-four-year-old boy took a knife and stabbed his father in front of his mother and other family members.


The seriously injured fifty-five-year-old from Skopje went to the Clinical Center on foot to seek help and save his life. He was bleeding profusely. He lost consciousness here, at the very entrance of the Clinical Center. Only moments separated him from the medical aid. He fell and bled to death.


Shortly afterwards, the suspect was arrested and the knife with which he killed his father was found. He is still at a police station where police inspectors are fixing the details


A criminal charge of murder will be filed against him today and he will be brought before a pre-trial judge in the criminal court.

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