Paradox: The coronavirus has shown all nations how Roma feel every day!

Stigmatization is one of the forms that Roma face in their daily lives. That is a well-known fact. Among other things, the well-known phrase is that:

Roma children do not attend regular school or school. Roma are usually jobless and unemployed. That is why the Roma are the most sought after by the state for socio-economic benefits, regardless of the amount of money in question.


Roma are often targeted for paying their utility bills at the lowest level. A very small percentage of Roma are regular in their payment of electricity, water, internet bills and the like.

Roma are not allowed to travel abroad so easily. Finally, the fact is that the Roma are known to be dirty, and that is why others, not Roma, run away from them. They do not want to be around them.


Now, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, a paradox is happening. Similar to the feeling that the Roma faced in their daily lives.

And that's next. Now Roma children do not go to school. Now non-Roma are without a job. Now the Roma are waiting for a social and other economic support from the state. Now and then Roma do not pay regularly, bills for electricity, water, telephone and internet. Now even non-Roma cannot and are not allowed to travel abroad. After all, even now the Roma run away from each other for up to two meters, so as not to get infected.


Isn't that a paradox ?!

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