Juan de Dios Ramirez-Heredia - Let's dress Spain in blue and green

We would like to mark the day this year with a big world festival of the Roma, but we will do it by next year. But the damned coronavirus did not allow us to do that this year. We will all be locked up in our homes, in accordance with the instructions given by the authorities in the country.


But we wonder, what can we do this year, because all the events that we traditionally celebrate on April 8 are interrupted?

There are many ideas, and some will be collected without leaving the house, but I dare to suggest the following.

Let's dress Spain in blue and green!

Yes, we will ask all Spaniards, Roma and non-Roma, to decorate their balconies on April 8 with the Roman flag which consists of two strips of fabric of the same width. The one above the blue and the one under the green.

To do so is very easy. Take one meter of blue cloth and another meter of green cloth and sew them. And that's it. It's very easy.


We distributed thousands of Romans after the Roman Union organized a textile factory in Catalonia more than thirty years ago to produce thousands of flags.

On April 8, as every year, in many of the city councils across Spain, the blue-greens will shine on its facade. It will also be present in the autonomous parliaments.


But this time, when we receive so many racist attacks from heartless people accusing the Roma of bringing the coronavirus, it's the biggest nonsense! We are looking for a gesture of solidarity and affection. On the 8th, among all, Roma and non-Roma, because we will not be able to give each other a hug, at least we will dress Spain in blue and green.


Link: https://unionromani.org/2020/04/03/vamos-a-vestir-espana-de-azul-y-verde/?fbclid=IwAR170rvXMSisTrg2BuIIe64Xp95ZEoMxjQMsYaXl7CxbAl7Hw4QcLmMePd0

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