MLSP: Cash compensation for termination of employment, in accordance with the work experience, through the Employment Agency

The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy informs that the citizens with the termination of employment have the right to monetary compensation in the amount of 50% of the average monthly net salary of the employee for the last 24 months. An unemployed person who has been employed for at least 9 months continuously, or 12 months with a break in the last 18 months, has the right to monetary compensation before the termination of employment.


The fee is paid according to the years of work experience. For example, a cash benefit is paid for 1 month if the person has at least 9 months of uninterrupted insurance experience or 12 months with a break in the last 18 months. If the person has an internship of 10 to 12.5 years, the compensation is paid for 6 months, and if he has more than 25 years of experience - 12 months.


The amount of the monthly monetary compensation during unemployment is determined based on the calculated and paid salaries of the employer and is 50% of the average monthly net salary of the employee for the last 24 months for a person entitled to monetary compensation up to 12 months. The cash benefit may not exceed 80% of the average monthly net salary per employee in the Republic published for the last month.


Citizens who lost their jobs apply to the Employment Center in the place of residence, within 30 days from the date of termination of employment.



Detailed information can be found on the website of the Employment Agency:

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