The citizens' association "Davet" from Skopje, active in distributing humanitarian aid to the most endangered Roma

The citizens' association "Davet" from Skopje, starting with the situation with the coronavirus in the country, is taking an active part by distributing humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable socially vulnerable category of people.


They organized the action in such a way that the most endangered families were given coupons, where they then picked up the humanitarian packages. In its several-day actions, Dave gave 200 packages in several municipalities and settlements such as: Suto Orizari, Topaana, Zlokukjani, Gjorce Petrov, Cair, Butel, Gazi Baba, Topaansko Pole - John Kennedy, as well as the cities of Tetovo and Kavadarci.


1.5 tons of potatoes and 3.5 tons of flour were also distributed here. What is mentioned by the association Davet wants to inform the public that 90% of the aid is among the Roma community, and donors are except for one donation in the amount of about 250 euros from one Roma, other donors are of other nationalities.


They say they will continue their mission.

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