Serbian doctor reveals what's most dangerous in the coronavirus pandemic: If you see this, turn around immediately and run away!

Dr. Goran Belojevic from Serbia says that in these times we should forget about hugging, kissing, shaking hands


Speaking about the spread of the virus, he said that when someone sneezes, we should turn immediately.


He said the nose and mouth are the most critical sites for the virus to enter.

"There should be no fingers in the mouth, biting nails and biting the nose is very dangerous in these situations," he said, adding that bearded men should not fish the face but maintain normal hygiene.


- This virus is highly contagious, out of 100, even 90 diseases. That's why you should always wear a mask, be at a distance and, of course, wash your hands. For example, when you take money that is highly contaminated, you should not disinfect it, but wash your hands immediately afterwards - he concluded.


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