Findings from Hong Kong: At This Temperature Coronavirus disappears in 5 minutes: New research has proven!

The new coronavirus is most active at about 4 ° C, while, at 70 ° C, dies for about five minutes, according to a study by scientists at Hong Kong University.


The 4-degree virus can live for almost two weeks while at 70 degrees, it dies in five minutes, according to a medical study published on


At a temperature of 22 degrees, the coronavirus is active for seven days, at 37 degrees for no more than two days, while at a temperature of 56 degrees, it can live for up to 30 minutes.


Scientists have also been investigating the viability of the virus on various surfaces, and it has been found that it stays on the surface of medical masks for a week at room temperature and air humidity of 65%.


On paper, the virus persists for less than three hours, on wood and fabric for no more than two days, on glass for less than four days, while on steel and plastic for one week.

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