The Balkans are the least afraid of Coronavirus

Gallup research shows that over 70% of people in the Balkans believe that coronavirus is not as much of a threat as it poses. Researchers say this could be expected in a region accustomed to crises, Deutsche Welle reported.


According to the survey, 62 percent of people in the world are afraid of getting infected, but at the same time as many as 56 percent think the threat is not as dangerous as claimed. The results were obtained by the Gallup Agency based on a survey of 20,000 people in 26 countries.


Gallup president Kancho Stojcev says the results are not contradictory, as they seem at first glance.


There is still not much fear in the Balkans, at least in the three countries surveyed. According to the poll, Macedonia and BiH as many as 73% of people think the virus is more dangerous than it is, in Bulgaria 72% think so.


"The Balkans has been an important center for centuries. In such places, the intensity of history is significantly higher, which means that there were more crises to overcome here, "Stojcev said.


By contrast, in Western Europe as many as 70 percent of people consider the virus a major threat.

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