Research Reporter Laboratory Macedonia-IRL: Out of 300 People Who Passed on Deve Bair, Only 9 Roma Are Taken to Group Quarantine

How does it end up in group quarantine, and as in home isolation, what does the procedure for determining who goes to the barracks and who at home look like. These are some of the questions the IRL has sent to the institutions, which have been waiting three days since the March 17 announcement of 200 returning citizens from the Deve Bair border crossing, with only nine Roma musicians taken into custody.


On March 17 and 18, more than 300 citizens entered the border crossing. The Macedonian Information Agency (MIA), citing official information from the Police Station for Border Checking and Border Surveillance Regional Center East, announced on March 17 and 18 a total of 300 citizens entered the state at the Deve Bair border crossing.


They all signed statements of self-isolation and were released home, no other person was placed in the group quarantine.


Following public complaints on social networks about the conditions at the Pepelishte Barracks where the only ten citizens were initially placed under quarantine, they are now in Demir Kapija in quarantine. Their question is one: Why only us?


At the Ministry of Health we asked who decides which citizen will be in self-isolation at home and who is in quarantine.


The Ministry of Health, in their short response, however, said it was decided by the state of health, but declined to answer what the state of health should be for someone to go into quarantine.


Journalists talking to the IRL said that the night the musicians arrived while waiting for the convoy, they saw many people crossing the border on foot and getting off the vans. Others crossed the border by car or van, but were released at home by written statements. The only convoys taken to the barracks in Pepelishte are the nine Roma musicians. After complaining about poor hygiene, they were transferred to the Rehabilitation Institute in Demir Kapija.



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