Research: Covid-19 is seen more as an economic threat than as a health risk


The public sees the coronavirus as a greater threat to the economy than their health, new research shows. The economic rescue measures of companies and jobs taken by governments do not alleviate such concerns.


The Ipsos survey of 10,000 adults interviewed in 12 countries and conducted from March 12-14 shows increased anxiety about personal financial exposure, including employment.


The World Economic Forum's website also reports on the results of the survey, which said perceptions of a health threat are rising near hotspots despite measures taken to prevent social isolation and travel bans around the world.


Most of those surveyed in the affected countries expect consequences for their personal finances due to the coronavirus pandemic, the survey results show. They are most concerned about Vietnam, China, India and Italy.


Concerns about jobs and business have grown rapidly since February, especially in Italy, France, the UK and the United States. In these countries, economic worries appear to have grown more than concerns about the level of threat from the virus.


Most countries, including those surveyed at hotspots, expect things to return to normal by June. However, the trajectory of the disease and confirmed cases suggest that this will not happen, Ipsos concludes.

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