Due to coronavirus, the European Parliament is moving from Strasbourg to Brussels

European Parliament President David Sassoli has decided to cancel a plenary session in Strasbourg next week and hold it in Brussels amid a coronavirus epidemic.


"Based on a supplemented report by the European Parliament's medical service on the development of Covid 19 infection, a plenary session will be held in Brussels next week due to force majeure," Sasoli reported on Twitter.


The European Parliament meets once a month at a plenary session in Strasbourg. mini plenary sessions, which last shorter.

The European Parliament does most of its work on boards, mainly in Brussels.


Preventive measures were introduced at the European Parliament's headquarters earlier this week and limited access for various visitors, lobbyists, parliamentarians and their assistants. More than a hundred public events were canceled.


In France, there are 423 infected and seven deaths from coronavirus, and Belgium has 50 registered but no deaths reported.

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