Social differences: few rich, many poor

Statistics measure that the differences between the poor and rich are diminishing, but citizens say they do not feel it.


Worldwide, the largest inequality among the population is South Africa with a coefficient of 0.634, followed by Namibia with 0.613 and Haiti with 0.608. The smallest differences are in Ukraine 0.255, Iceland 0.256 and Slovenia 0.257.


Of the countries in the region, besides Slovenia, which is doing exceptionally well on a global scale, Albania is well-placed with 0.290, Serbia with 0.291, Montenegro 0.319, Croatia 0.322, Bosnia 0.331, Greece 0.358, Bulgaria 0.374.


Citizens disagree with statistics. Most of them say that the differences between rich and poor are not only diminishing but also increasing.


"So just look at what cars drive through Skopje, that says enough. Porsche, Lamborghini or Hamer can be seen more often. Such cars were unthinkable here 10 - 20 years ago. On the other hand, over 90% of the other vehicles are ten years old and cost an average of two thousand euros, ”says a resident of the capital.

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