Three Romani candidates now legislators after Slovak election: Ján Herák, Peter Pollák Jr. and Jarmila Vaňová

Three Romani candidates have become national legislators after yesterday's elections to Slovakia's unicameral national legislature. All ran for the victorious "Ordinary People and Independent Figures" (OLaNO) movement of Igor Matovič.


Peter Pollák Jr, who began running in 30th place on the candidate list, made it into office with more than 20 300 votes, moving him up to 14th place in the final results. Jarmila Vaňová ran as number 35 and won more than 6 800 votes.


The third successful Romani candidate is Ján Herák, who won more than 5 000 votes. Winning almost a quarter of all the votes cast, more than any other group or party competing, OLaNO, an anti-corruption movement previously in opposition, is now the leading political entity.



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