Racism in Italy: Nationalist Physical Attack on Roma Lawyer Marcello Zuinisi

This weekend, February 15 from 11:00 to 14:00 in Pontasibe - Largo Garibaldi, was the La Commune and the Roma Nation (ANR) protests.


The protest was in response to a previously reported physical assault on Marcello Zunisi, another Romiti legal representative. The attack happened on Wednesday, February 12 at around 6:30 pm in front of the Lady Bar business center in Via Don Hassibien, just steps from the mall.


The gunman has been identified as Polly Gianni, an otherwise known criminal with a racist ideology from the Pontiac region.


He cowardly attacked Zunisi from behind while he had a phone conversation with La Commune chief Michele Santamaria over the organization of a meeting of several associations to orchestrate anti-racism demonstrations scheduled for March 21, 2020 in Florence, which is in Florence. an event organized by the international anti-racist and anti-fascist coalition against world racism.

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