Announced a protest in front of the JSP against the arbitrariness of their controllers

Following a recent incident between JSP controllers and student Sirhan Usain, as well as the reaction of several Roma activists, as well as the backlash from JSP measures on controllers and the denial of non-discrimination, a group of Roma activists and citizens decided and announced a protest in front of the JSP on Thursday 13.02. starting at 4 pm.


The statement and the protest announcement inter alia stated: "How many more students, students, young, old, adults and others felt threatened, humiliated and humiliated by the violent behavior of the JSP controllers?


There is enough discrimination, enough of bullies, enough of sexual insults and attacks, we live in a very limited way. Institutions are always disenfranchised and discriminated against, and the testimonies of citizens do not say so and they live in fear every day.


Enough! Join us in this protest, today Sirjan is a victim, tomorrow you will be if we do not fight today. Let's show the JSP that there is no place for hatred and fear in this country.


Through this protest:


  1. We demand the firing of two controllers who attacked Sirhan Usain
  2. Increased internal control that will regulate it

3. We are looking for jobs for Roma controllers "- this statement says.

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