Information on qualifying trades, and without a Craft, and how to qualify in Germany

- In cooperation with the European Union and the European Social Fund in the Republic of Germany, the project "Work in Germany for Ethnic Groups" has been implemented, where we Roma also take part in this project.

As is well known, the legislation of 01.03.2020 on work in Germany has simplified the procedure. In the project itself which is a good and facilitated bureaucratic procedure they can also finish it for free, where it was charged before 01.01.2020, but is now FREE:

1. A qualification that validates your Bachelor, Craft, Secondary or Graduate degree in terms of schools by profession. Below are the addresses of each province in Germany, where you can ask for free verification and recognition of your qualifications. The best thing about this project is that you don't have to be in Germany to get the diploma recognition and so on. You can do it online by email. Mail, fax, and complete the procedure. It is normal that if you are present in person it is even better and more efficient.

2. IQ Qualification
IQ qualifications are intended for those who do not have a job or school. In this process through IQ-qualification testing to see if the candidate is talented, they can do the job and easier to obtain a Certificate where they can be easily employed in Germany.
The testing of these candidates cannot be done online but needs to be in person. Addresses are the same if you want to take and run an IQ Qualification.
This project is valid until 31.12.2022 !!!
The information was prepared by Ruhidin Serbezovski

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