Helsinki Committee: To respect the concept of 'best interest of the child'

Marking international days is a good opportunity to raise specific topics, mobilize political will and address local, regional and global problems in specific areas.

World Children's Day was first celebrated in 1954 as Universal (International) Children's Day and since then has been celebrated every year on November 20th in order to actualize and promote children's rights and promote their well-being.

The United Nations (UN) adopted the Declaration on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child at its General Assembly on that day in 1959 and 1989.

Parents, teachers, doctors, politicians, civil society, community elders, corporations, the media, and the youth themselves, play an important role in child development and jointly share the duty to advocate, promote and celebrate children's rights through dialogue and action. that will guarantee their protection. As a society, we must guarantee that every child can exercise his or her guaranteed rights.

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