Naser sleeps literally in the street with his wife and toddler: I beg people here, nobody helps me.

Naser Abazovski is a child who grew up in an orphanage in Skopje. Today Naser has a wife and a baby, but Naser's situation is more than worrying.

Naser sleeps in the street with his wife and child who has jaundice by the way. Nasser has nowhere to live, and the state turns his back on him.

As Naser told the media, he repeatedly addressed Minister Mila Carovska, but so far she has not done anything.

- Minister Mila Carovska to take measures, responsibility, not to play with people. I beg people here, nobody helps me.

I ask the state for help for this girl I fight, I am on the street 24 hours a day, I have no income, I am claiming my right like everyone else.

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