Ministry of Health may penalize inappropriate vaccines, but cannot ban school enrollment

According to the current legislation, when enrolling in first grade, the parent or guardian is obliged to submit a receipt for the received vaccine for the child, issued by a competent health institution.

But the law does not contain a ban on enrolling children who are not vaccinated.

Compulsory immunization is provided by health laws, which provide for mechanisms and sanctions if compulsory immunization obligations are not met.

The Ministry of Education itself, in addition to the child's right to education, will also ensure the right to safety and health while staying in schools, saying institutions are obliged to ensure the exercise of all constitutionally guaranteed rights, without being at the expense of any another right.

If necessary, care must be taken to minimize the damage, ie the prohibition should not lead to a complete ban on the exercise of any human right.

It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health and the health institutions to carry out immunization and to provide protection of the population against infectious diseases to which children are exposed not only in schools, but also in cinema, theater, playgrounds, sports clubs, while exercising of extracurricular activities.

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