German media report that attacks on immigrants last year in Chemnitz were planned by the radical right

The attacks on immigrants that took place last summer in Chemnitz, Saxony were planned by right-wing radicals, as can be seen from their online communications with each other at the time, in which they wrote about engaging in a "hunt".

News of this evidence was reported last month with reference to information from police by German broadcasters NDR and WDR and the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

Passionate political debates arose in Germany over whether last year's violent response to the murder of a 35-year-old man in that town near the Czech border should be considered exactly such a chasing down of immigrants by vigilantes. 

The tempestuous weeks of unrest in the town of roughly 250 000 were launched in response to the murder of Daniel Hillig, for which a young citizen of Syria was recently sentenced to 9.5 years in prison.

Another suspect in the case, a young citizen of Iraq, is still at large. After the murder, numerous demonstrations marched through Chemnitz that were attended by right-wing radicals in large numbers.

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