Independence Day celebration - September 8, this year will take place under the motto "Colors of Independence"

Celebration of Independence Day - September 8, this year will be under the motto "Colors of Independence" and a joint celebration will be held in the City Park, before the Shell Week on September 8, starting at 11:00 am.

On the occasion of Statehood Day, Zoran Zaev, President of the Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia will address the City Park.

As part of the celebration, a rich cultural-artistic and entertaining program is planned. "Petko and 5+ Band" will perform, bands "IQ", "Dancers United", Violeta Tomovska, Elita Ziberi and DJ Jay Dragan B. Kostic.

More stands will be set up, where attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy traditional food from all over the country, participate in sports activities and check their health.

The Youth and Sports Agency stand will provide ping-pong, badminton, karate equipment and those interested will have the opportunity to try some of the martial arts and get acquainted with the benefits of the European Youth Card.

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