Fear in Nis: Alien Baby Born! The mother fell into a coma in fear

A baby - alien was born in the Nish hospital maternity ward and the whole ward is under quarantine! Especially the room where the mother is in a coma from the moment she looked at the baby.

The whole hospital is riddled with fear, and the baby will occasionally emit a non-human sound. The hospital also has a police patrol ready to intervene if needed.

The baby has frightening red eyes that instill fear in anyone who looks at him, and one doctor complains that he has tried to communicate telepathically and reportedly told him that the kind of people who would take him would soon arrive.

No one knows how to treat it because it is genetically different from other humans.

How this is possible is unknown and whether the mother is a victim of genetic engineering, and it remains to be seen if she would wake up from a coma.

Link: https://www.ekspresno.org/strah-u-nisu-rodena-vanzemaljska-beba-majka-pala-u-komu-od-straha-niko-ne-zna-kako-da/

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