Association of Roma Nation (ANR) - Scam and racism in Giugliano in Campania

Association of Roma Nation (ANR), complaint to the Guardia di Finanza and to the Public Prosecutor of Naples Antonio Poziello Mayor of Giugliano in Campania. The act will be formally ratified, to the competent bodies, tomorrow morning.

Our accusations are "incitement to racial hatred and violence" against the Roma Sinti Caminanti (RSC) and "scam" community on the funds allocated by the Internal Ministry and the Region for their inclusion: to date no house, school, health, work .

The Mayor Poziello, without a single concrete proof, accuses a whole community of stealing, burning, burning waste, vandalizing public works

On May 10, 2019, the Mayor Poziello, has evicted these citizens: huge loans have disappeared, 915.418.29 euros, allocated by the Ministry of the Interior and the Campania Region for their inclusion.

Since then, RSC has lived in Giugliano, on the street, without water, sanitary facilities, electricity, in very serious hygienic-sanitary conditions. Who is the criminal? We ask the Court of Naples.

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