Mirsat Muhedinov, the resident of Bitola who takes care of the cleanliness of the bypass

Mirsat Muhedinov from Bair settlement is a resident of Bitola who started taking care of the cleanliness of the bypass a few months ago and a few years old problem which was really the number one problem for Bitola and the vehicles that drive on this section.

The feeling is very good when you work for the future of your children and my family and thus contribute to the well-being of everyone and the environment.

Every image of a successful job is my happiness for which I myself want to be selflessly proud.

I have been busy cleaning the bypass for about 7 hours a day and have enough work. 

Since that road is a roundabout and many vehicles are on it, my mission is to prevent any unintended consequences, the road to be clean and safe for drivers. a humane and humane way to prove myself for the good of our city where I live. "

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