Interesting wedding customs around the world!

It is a well-known fact that Roma wedding customs are interesting and full of folklore and tradition.

But there are also other interesting wedding customs around the world. Here are a few of them that may be accepted in the near future by bridesmaids.

In Estonia, the custom that the girl who catches the bride's bouquet next marries has changed to favor men. The groom is blindfolded and turned in a circle. The unmarried man on whose head the groom will put his hat next will be "caught".
In Japan there is a tradition of ritual drinking of nine cups of sake during the wedding ceremony.
The Italians cut the groom's tie and sell the pieces to finance their honeymoon.
The brides in Latvia are "kidnapped" and the groom has to pay a ransom (a song or a drink) to get it back.
At a Finnish wedding, the groom's mother holds a headdress when the young men dance the first dance. The number of pieces that will break the cinder is the number of children the couple will have.
In Germany, newlyweds symbolically start living together by cutting a tree. In this country it is a tradition that adolescents adhere to as if in life all the difficult tasks would be met with success.
In the Netherlands, youngsters plant lilies in the yard around their home as a symbol of renewing their happiness and love with each new season.
Part of Sudan's traditional wedding involves the burning of seven broom sticks by the main bridesmaid symbolizing the rejection of bad habits before marriage begins.

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