Roma Memory announces the first BABO, PAPU, VAKEREN competition!

ROMEA announces the first BABO, PAPU, VAKEREN competition! It will take place as part of the project “The Memory of the Roma”, which seeks to map the fate of the Roma currently living in the Czech Republic and thus to present the history of the Roma from wartime to the present with their own eyes. We want to raise the interest of young Roma not only in their own history.

Do you know the history of your family? Are you interested in the life stories of your parents, grandparents and you do not want them to be forgotten?
Upload the life story of your relatives or acquaintances and send it to us! The most interesting and best treated stories will be awarded. We will also interview an interview with selected witnesses, which will be published on the Roma Memory website.

How to do it?
Record the witness's narration of at least 30 minutes in audio or video in Czech or Roma. Let him tell you about his own life, as well as his family history, if he has a tradition in the family.

The interviews may include a variety of topics ranging from memories of war to stories of life in Slovakia and the Czech Republic under Communism and the Velvet Revolution, to memories of various specific historical events.

Summarize the narration in a single-page text format, and you can also include copies of family photos and other interesting documents related to the narrative.
Send us everything by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by October 31, 2019

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