Report on Social Mapping of Roma - Roma still live on the margins of society

As part of a project funded by the European Union in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, EU Thematic Evaluation, Support to Roma Communities and Roma Social Mapping have been carried out, and a report and a guided social presentation have been presented. The mapping of Roma was prepared by the two experts Ms. Mihaela Stoichici Varlan - as team leader and Mr.Muhamed Toci - as a second expert.
The event itself was organized in the premises of the MLSP on 29.07.2019.

The report itself and the presentation highlight the differences in this survey, which provides data on the local level, in Roma communities, which means not only data at national and local level, but also offers data broken down by neighborhoods, neighborhoods for Roma. each of the 14 municipalities where the survey was conducted.

It is notable that the Roma community is still on the margins of society in many segments,

According to the presentation, it is evident that in the majority of Roma neighborhoods in these 14 municipalities throughout the country Roma families live in the majority of buildings with an average of 5 persons in a space of 30 to 50 m2, which adversely affects the health of these families. Many families also face unregulated legalization of those homes.

In the health segment Roma have poorer health status than the general population.
According to basic health indicators, Roma life expectancy is 10 years shorter than the national average; Infant mortality among Roma is 13.1 / 1000 (general population 10.3 / 1000)

In the area of ​​employment, according to the analysis, the employment rate of Roma is very low, almost twice lower than the non-Roma population and there are many Roma involved in the informal economy. For many Roma, the monthly income level is very low, up to 12,000 MKD / month.

The event was attended by about 20 representatives of civil society organizations, representatives of state institutions and others.

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