In memory of July 26, 1963 - MY CHILDHOOD CRY - RESCUE FOR LIFE

Dawn dawn, and only parted, was a sign that the 25 year old young Roma from Stara Topana should become and burn the fire in the small courtyard in front of the house, and the cauldron with the laundry should be put in to wash, wash them, then to put on the rope to dry.

The young Roma woman thought to herself: "Today, it will be as warm as yesterday, and it will dry quickly"

As soon as the water began to heat up, she began to sweep the small yard with the old broom, and in order not to raise itself up, she sprayed the earth with a tin bucket.

The fire beneath the cauldron with the laundry began and the water began to bubble. It was a sign that he had to take the old basin where the entire cauldron was laundered in the old basin.

She sat beside the trough and her hands began to rub the clothes with the soap that was between her palms. They rubbed harder with the desire to be white and washed as always, and when they were bedding them to radiate from whiteness and purity.

But suddenly in all her engagement and thinking about the whiteness of those clothes, she broke off and interrupted the child's weeping from the interior of the troubled little house.
She shivered, turned to the door, and said to herself, "Oh, baby, have you just found it crying right now? He certainly wants to get it hungry. Very early woke up. Five is the hour! "

He entered the room modestly arranged, with a mattress and a bedclothes, raised the small 1.5 year old child and took it in his arms. The child was still crying, it was obvious that he wanted milk!

He got out of the porch and sat in the yard near the trough, he approached him and began to breastfeed him! Apparently the child felt the smell of the mother's milk, and immediately the cry was replaced by silence and peaceful sucking from the mother's breast.

And so while the child calmly ate in his mother's arms, suddenly as a underground roar felt trembling on the soil itself.

The flickering and then the huge shaking turned into a chaotic uncontrollable catastrophe.

There were chaotic screams and a picture that was not forgotten. The waste houses of Stara Topaana were one by one lost from sight.
Nothing was better than the image of the young woman's house with the baby.
The picture was terrible. The walls from the interior of the small room, where the young child was sleeping 3 minutes ago, were on top of each other down on the improvised bed of mattress and tablecloth!
It was July 26, 1963, and the hour was 05:17.
My childhood cry was then crying for extended life!

So she wanted to be!



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