Every addict will be treated where he lives

Addicts to the polyclinic Chair, in the village of Chento, in Gjorce Petrov, in Shuto Orizari and in the hospital in the village of Gjorche Petrov. Bardovci.
According to the plan of the Health Ministry, each large settlement will have to allow the treatment of about a hundred addicts.

Minister Venko Filipce does not give in to criticism from the public after he announced that some of the addicts from Kisela Voda will also be transferred to the polyclinic Jane Sandanski in the settlement of Aerdorfer.

With this plan addicts will not bring the therapy with them, but will receive it in the presence of a doctor.

Philippe draws the idea from the experiences of countries from the European Union. The goal is for addicts to not feel marginalized and ghettoized.

Until the ministers' plans are revived, police officers will provide blades that will be given to addicted patients.


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