BiH - The housing and employment of Roma should be addressed as one problem

Integrated housing, as defined in the action plan to improve the housing conditions for Roma in BiH, unfortunately did not revive.
The idea was, at least one member of the family who would get a house, or an apartment to hire so that the family could survive normally.

During the Decade for Roma Inclusion, the countries that implement this project have invested serious funds to improve the conditions in which Roma live.
By analyzing the experiences and results after ten years, we came to the conclusion that the success measure to these figures.

There were videos of how many homes were built, but not the quality of the building or the number of Roma and Roma employees for a year, but not how many of them remained in those jobs.

According to these standards, Bosnia and Herzegovina is the leading country in the number of built homes, and indeed, during the Decade, 1,000 housing units have been built or sanitized, that is, 5,000 people who have received safe roofing over their heads.

The solution is reflected in the unification of both existing programs into one. They say it's really unfortunate that over 5 million euros have been invested in housing, but not one euro from the construction work has earned a single Roma !?


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