Czech town hires Romani lifeguards, swimmers respond positively

The Brná Thermal Pool in the Czech town of Ústí nad Labem has employed several Romani people as attendants and lifeguards, and according to Martina Mata, director of the Municipal Services of Ústí nad Labem, which operates the facility, visitors are responding very positively to the Romani staff.

Last summer conflicts happened at several different swimming facilities between non-Romani and Romani swimmers around the country.

The Brná facility had to deal with deceptive reports last year alleging that a Romani boy had defecated in the pool. Mata said the Romani staffers were not even specifically recruited by the city.

"They all applied by themselves to the advertisement we posted to social media, on public transportation, at the university and at the Labor Office. They all underwent the standard selection procedure," he told

"These people want to work. A total of two male Romani lifeguards, one female Romani lifeguard and an attendant are working at the Brná Thermal Pool - the attendant does some cleaning as necessary and other small jobs," Mata said.


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